【同义词辨析】 2018-05-18 决定decide-resolve

decide: implies previous consideration and a cutting off of doubt, wavering, debate, or controversy: will ~ tonight where to build the school.   (waver反复,决定后又犹豫)

determine: implies a fixing of the identity, character, scope, bounds, or direction of something: ~d the cause of the problem.

settle: implies the arrival at a conclusion that brings to an end all doubt, wavering or dispute: the court's decision ~s the matter.

rule: implies a determination by judicial or administrative authority: the judge ~d that the evidence was inadmissible.

resolve: implies an expressed or clear decision or determination to do or refrain from doing something: both nations ~d to stop terrorism.   如New Year’s Resolution新年决心或新年愿望,United Nations General Assembly Resolution 2758联合国大会2758号决议

decide决定: 表示之前在考虑,现在"切断"怀疑犹豫争论争议,determine确定:指 确定(fixing固定确定)身份属性范围界限方向等,settle解决: "达成"结论不再怀疑犹豫争论,rule判决: 指司法行政当局做决定,resolve决定决心确定: 指明确清楚(expressed,clear)地决定或确定



          3)决定的意思是达成结论mean to come or cause to come to a conclusion.首字母DDSRR想成人人懂的事<==应当做决定